All About Me!

My name is Morgan. I am 15 years old. In my free time I like to watch Netflix, talk on the phone and listen to music. I am a cheerleader, and I can also speak a little French. I hate to dance, and I love to send texts.

Je m'appelle Morgan. J'ai 15 ans. J'aime regarder Netflix, discuter avec des amis, et ecouter la musique. Je suis la majorette, et je aussi parle Français. Je déteste danser, et j'adore envoyer des sms.

The school below is where I would like to attend when I graduate high school. I plan on majoring in Computer Science. Click the picture to go to the website. :)


My Sister

This is my sister, Sydney! She is 21 years old and she is the funniest person in the world.

My Parents

These are my parents, Dale and Yvette. They are the best parents anyone could ever ask for.

My Dog

This is my dog, Cisco. He is a shih-tzu. He is turning 9 years old this year, and he's so cute omg.

Lagoon and Rockstar

These are my friends Lauryn and Raksha. Raksha is very athletic and intelligent, and Lauryn can speak 3 languages.


This is my best friend Bianca. She is so amazing and I just love her so much lmao.

Botch, Rockstar, Lagoon and Allen

These are my friends in my French class; Aleena, Bianca, Raksha and Lauryn. They are so awesome haha


These are my other besties. In this picture, there is: Lauryn, my dad, Kennedy (my bby), Raksha, my mom, Taylor, Gabby, Aleena, Haley, Bianca, Cisco, my sister, Aniyah, and Brittany.


This is me after my first away game, in September. Cheer was so fun, I love it so much! I am so excited for sideline season to come back around.

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